Joining Public Bank NYC

Thank you for your interest in joining Public Bank NYC! Please fill out the form below to apply for coalition membership.

Coalition member organizations work collaboratively to advance our shared racial and economic justice mission and goals through direct actions, policy advocacy, and other coalition efforts. Members commit to participating actively in meetings, events, or serving on at least one committee or working group.

Membership is open to nonprofit, non-governmental, nonpartisan organizations based in New York City, including:

  • Community-based and member-led organizations working for racial, economic and/or social justice (prioritized for leadership and funding)

  • Community development credit unions, and aligned community development financial institutions (CDFIs)

  • Labor, civil rights, social justice, and legal services organizations

  • Local affiliates of national or statewide groups and for-profit cooperatives, if they meet the above criteria

Organizations that support the coalition’s mission but do not meet membership criteria may apply to join as endorsers.
I understand that all Public Bank NYC communications, including emails sent out over our listserve, coalition-wide conversations on conference calls or in meetings, and documents generated by committees or the coalition are confidential, and should not be forwarded to or discussed with any person or organization not participating in the Public Bank NYC coalition. Only documents released for publication by the steering committee or full coalition may be shared outside of the coalition.
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