New York has a historic opportunity to bring public banking to our state this year by passing the Bank of Rochester Act S.9324 (Brouk) / A.10134 (Bronson)! The bank of Rochester Act would pave the way for a municipal public bank in Rochester -- the first full fledged public bank in the country in over a hundred years -- and set the stage for public banking statewide. Through public banking, local governnments can invest in small and worker-owned businesses, deeply-affordable housing, renewable energy, green infrastructure, and other critical needs in low income communities and communities of color. Change on this scale requires major people power. Please take a few minutes to fill out this form which will send an email to your State Senators and Assemblymembers in Albany to demand that they pass the Bank of Rochester Act. Please submit any questions or comments to Tousif Ahsan (



  • Be sure to modify and personalize the template email provided in the text box below, including by adding your address to your signature so that your legislator knows that you reside in their district. (To expand the text box, drag the bottom right corner with your cursor.)
  • Explain why public banking matters to you and what a public bank could do to support you and your community (e.g. invest in affordable housing and renewable energy, support small businesses, expand banking access).
  • Please forward us any substantive responses you receive so that we can track the progress of our collective advocacy (send to